Monthly Archives: June 2022

Viagra pfizer Singapore drugstore genuine 100mg/tab

Trade name: Viagra Internal content: 100mg / tab Scientific name: Sildenafil Product appearance: “blue diamond, Pfizer, vGr 100” Health Insurance Code: bc24622100 ATC g04be03 License: Department of health drug preparation Zi 022383 Clinical use: adult male erectile dysfunction. Side effects: hypotension, headache, flushing, diarrhea, myalgia, visual impairment, abnormal erection of penis, etc. Recommended usage: adult, […]

Priligy POXET-60 Singapore drugstore genuine 60mg*10s

Priligy (English Name: priligy chemical name: dapoxetine hydrochloride) is characterized by rapid onset, short half-life, rapid absorption and peak in 1.5 hours. It has similar curative effects on primary and secondary PE. Priligy is a prescription drug and must be used under the guidance of a doctor. Studies have shown that the intrapenile ejaculation latency […]


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